Home of Hondonvale Cockers (& Collies)

I have been breeding dogs for 15 years now, initially on a hobby basis with the help of my family.  My husband has always owned Border Collies however, as I had four sons and 2 male Collies I decided that I definately  needed some female company! 

There was no difficulty in deciding which type of female to get as I have always loved Cocker Spaniels. Maisie and Millie very soon became new additions to the family.

Maisie, our first blue roan Cocker Spaniel.

After spending a year out in Spain with our dogs I returned back to England to my Job in banking but decided I would really like to become involved in dog breeding. I thoroughly researched my breed and received lots of help from my own breeder and vets to ensure I was being a responsible breeder. Health screening was carried out and a health screened stud dog found. After nervously delivering a healthy litter of Cocker spaniels , I have never looked back!


Polly and Amelia having a heart to heart, Summer 2019

Polly and Amelia having a heart to heart, Summer 2019

Bonnie & Gracie (Mother & Daughter)

I finally left my p/t banking job so that I could devote all my time with my dogs. I now think I have the best job in the world! Being out with the dogs and delivering puppies certainly beats the daily commute.

We moved to the edge of Marsden moor Ten years ago along with my elderly parents and sons but are now moving back to our old family home.

All our dogs are pets and I do not sell my dogs on. I breed for health and temperament and a lot of time and money is spent on them. Any litters are carefully planned for the purpose of covering any costs and enabling me to spend more time with them. They are fed on Royal Canin and have fantastic carefree lives, enjoying agility and running with us.

All my dogs have the relevant  DNA testing, bva eye/heart screening and hip scoring appropriate to their breed  in line with the Kennel Club guidelines and paperwork is provided. 

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